IJBHTM 2018 Volume 8 Issue 1

International Journal of BioSciences, Healthcare Technology and Management (IJBHTM) ISSN: 0975-3893

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Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude & Practice of Health Professionals towards Post Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV/AIDS in Woldia General Hospital, Woldia, North-Eastern Ethiopia. Erukeya Habib, Fentanesh Baye, Shemseya Awole, Melese Shenkut Abebe. IJBHTM (2018), 8(1):1-10

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Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude & Practice of Health Professionals towards Post Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV/AIDS in Woldia General Hospital, Woldia, North-Eastern Ethiopia.

Authors & Affiliation

Erukeya Habib1, Fentanesh Baye 2, Shemseya Awole 3, Melese Shenkut Abebe4

1-3: Department of Nursing, Dessie, Ethiopia email- [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

4: Lecturer of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Wollo University, Pobox 1145, Dessie, Ethiopia

Phone number; +251912368855, email [email protected]


HIV constitutes one of the most difficult challenges facing the healthcare profession today. As the prevalence of the HIV infection continues to rise, healthcare workers in all geographic regions can expect greater clinical exposure to patients with HIV/AIDS. Lack of knowledge, attitude as well as practice over post exposure prevention of HIV/AIDS is the major problem in health professionals in the medical world. A significant number of health professionals are exposed for HIV/AIDS infection during their routine daily activity in relation to their contact with patient in their work place. It is common in the Hospital emergency room when they try to stabilize the injured patient, for paramedics when they try to transport the patient to hospital and other many situations. This study is designed to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of health professionals on post exposure prevention of HIV/AIDS. Observational and interview based cross sectional study was conducted on assessment of Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of health professionals on post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) from April 30, 2015-May 30, 2015. The Knowledge and attitude of health professionals on PEP were assessed using structured questioners interview and the practice was assessed by direct observation of health professionals in their work place. A total of 123 health care workers were required to fill the questioner but only 106 were filled. So that 13.28% was the non-response rate of this study. The findings of this study revealed the gap that knowledge as well as practice of health care workers towards PEP for HIV is inadequate.

Key words: HIV/AIDS, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Post exposure prophylaxis.