IJBHTM Manuscript Status ISSN 0975 3893

International Journal of BioSciences, Healthcare Technology and Management (IJBHTM) ISSN: 0975-3893

IJBST Journal Group -- Open Access -- NO Fees -- NO Processing Charges -- 100% Non Profit Initiatives

The IJBST Journal Group subscribes to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment and the The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

The IJBST Journal Group Archive can also be accessed at https://archive.org/details/IJBSTJournalGroup

IJBHTM1. Bridging Public-Private Partnership in Agricultural Biotechnology. Latha Rangan and Sudip Mitra. IJBHTM (2009), 1(1):1-4

IJBHTM2. Awareness, Attitude and Utilization Pattern of Hospital Information System among Healthcare Staff of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. Rajesh Kumar Sinha, Dola Saha, Mahima Sethi. IJBHTM (2009), 1(1):5-8

IJBHTM3. A study on Awareness and Uses of Electronic Medical Records among Health Care Professionals. B Reshmi, Sabu K M, B Unnikrishnan. IJBHTM (2010), 2(1):1-4

IJBHTM4. PACS: The Way to Improve Workflow and go Film-Less in Diagnostic Imaging. Jozef Živčák and Milan Roško (Review Decision: Reject)

IJBHTM5. Quantification of Artemether in Human Plasma with Liquid- Liquid Extraction by Using Fully Validated High Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometric Method. Raghunadha Reddy S, Y.K. Naidu, M.P. Kalyan Reddy, Koteswara Rao Divi, I.Sarath chandiran, K.N. Jayaveera (Review Decision: Reject. Reason: Observed that this submission is reproduction of previously published paper [J. Chromatogr. B, 2002, 774, 195-203] )

IJBHTM6. Relationship between Quality of Sleep and Quality of Life among Software Engineers. Sara Sarrafi Zadeh, Khyrunnisa Begum (Review Decision: Reject)

IJBHTM7. Pattern of Computer Use and Gaming among Medical Students in Coastal South India. B .Unnikrishnan, V. Kulshreshta, Rekha .T, Ganesh. K, B .Reshmi (Status: Accepted. Final formatted manuscript yet to be obtained from Authors. Current Status: No response from authors)

IJBHTM8. Diabetes: Techniques for Blood Glucose Measurement - A Review. Dineshkumar B, Bhuvaneshwaran SP, Vigneshkumar P, Analava Mitra, Manjunatha M. IJBHTM (2010), 2(2):5-10

IJBHTM9. Prevalence of STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS within the hospital environment. Anyadoh S.O. and Eri O. (Review Decision: Reject)

IJBHTM10. A Structured Framework to Establish and Evaluate Multidimensional Outcome Measures in Drug Development: A Conceptual Proposal. Hui Xiang and Yi Zhu. IJBHTM (2011), 3(1):1-5

IJBHTM11. Extension of The Human Perspective to Animals: A result of the Analysis of the New Consciousness model which scientifically converges Science and Spirituality with converged scientific and spiritual insights into the aspects of God, Soul, Karma, Birth and Re-birth, Machine Consciousness and Awareness, Plants, Animals, All Life, Natural and non-Natural forms and Convergence of Religious Teachings. Neela Iyer, Prabhu Britto Albert, Sant Maa Ananta Devi, Sant Maa Aparna Devi, M. Mohanan, Dhyanyogi Omdasji Maharaj. IJBHTM (2012), 4(1):1-33

IJBHTM12. Strategies and Approaches towards Universal Iodisation of Salt: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Selected States in India. V.K Tiwari, Pardeep Kumar, Sherin Raj, KS Nair. IJBHTM (2013), 5(1):1-10

IJBHTM13. Quality Evaluation of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory against ISO 15189:2007 Standard. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sinha, Vivek Raghavan M, Sunronce Pias. IJBHTM (2013), 5(2):11-15

IJBHTM14. Enhancing Access to Healthcare Services: A Lead Driver for more Economic Productivities in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Popoola, Oladayo Timothy. IJBHTM (2016), 6(1):1-8

IJBHTM15. Growth Factors and Cytokines Secreted in Conditioned Media by Mesenchymal Stem Cells – Promising Possible Therapeutic Approach for Hair Regeneration. Sushilkumar Ramdasi. IJBHTM (2016), 6(2):9-19

IJBHTM16. The Role of First-Line Managers in Healthcare Change Management: A Ghanaian Context. Emmanuel Kumah, Samuel E. Ankomah, Francis Antwi. IJBHTM (2016), 6(3):20-33

IJBHTM17. Health Worker Motivation in Ghana: The Role of Non-Financial Incentives. A Case Study of Accident and Emergency Department of Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Samuel E. Ankomah, Emmanuel Kumah & Akua Kusiwaa Karikari. IJBHTM (2016), 6(4):34-49

IJBHTM18. A Framework for Avoiding Uncanny Valley in Healthcare. Iroju Olaronke, Ikono Rhoda, Olaleke Janet. IJBHTM (2017), 7(1):1-10

IJBHTM19. Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude & Practice of Health Professionals towards Post Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV/AIDS in Woldia General Hospital, Woldia, North-Eastern Ethiopia. Erukeya Habib, Fentanesh Baye, Shemseya Awole, Melese Shenkut Abebe. IJBHTM (2018), 8(1):1-10
